Saturday, April 21, 2012

Burberry and Byron

The other day when I was researching instead of writing (please note that researching involves no actual research, it's just a word that makes me feel better about wasting hours on the internet), I fixated on the idea of modern fashion with a Regency twist. This is what I found: 

This was from the Burberry 2010 / 2011 collection, and I've got to say, this works for me big time. The clothes are beautiful, the model is more beautiful, and there is a whole scruffy Byronic hero thing going on. 

Bad boys are great. 
Bad boys in cravats are better. 

I personally think you can't go wrong with hot guys in Regency fashion. What about you? What historical period presses your buttons? 

Monday, April 16, 2012

And the winner is...

Congratulations Yvette!

Yvette has won the copy of Tribute and the Amazon gift card.

Thanks so much to everyone who entered, and I will be doing more fun giveaways later on!