Please consider buying this book. All proceeds go to the Pulse Victims Fund. Also, if you could buy directly from the publisher Extasy that means third party sellers like Amazon don't get a cut first.
From the publisher:
Until we meet again on the other side of
the rainbow.
We all woke up to the terrible news on
Sunday 12th June, 2016, of the horrific attack in Orlando, and not only did it
affect the LGBT community, it also outraged the world.
So many of us felt powerless as we watched
the horror unfold upon our screens, but Patricia Strehle had a remarkable idea,
one that would galvanize an entire community into action. Patricia brought a
group of people together with the idea of creating a book, an anthology, and
donating all the proceeds from its sale to the families affected by this
terrible tragedy.
Over The Rainbow is the result—stories
contributed by so many wonderful authors from all over the world. These stories
are meant to inspire, to warm the heart, to bring a smile or a gentle laugh to
help guide us all through the darkness, and to remind us that we all inhabit
this world together, that we need to be kind, and that sometimes, we just need
to follow that yellow brick road hand in hand.
All sales proceeds from this Anthology will
go to the following Charity: