Friday, January 20, 2012

Reader Reviews for The Island

The reader reviews on Goodreads for The Island have been overwhelmingly positive, and I can’t be happier! Was I worried? No, not me!

Well, maybe a little…

I knew when I was writing it that The Island was darker than anything I’d written before – not in content, because I kept the specifics of the rape and torture off the page, but certainly psychologically. I put Lee in a very dark place from the beginning, and put the readers right there in his head with him.

I would definitely like to revisit Shaw and Lee some day, but for now some other stories are calling me. I’m thinking London, gas lamps, frock coats, those canes with swords in them, and maybe even some magic, but we’ll see. 

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Island is here!

I'm delighted to announce that The Island is out today. You can buy it here at Loose Id. 

Shaw has made a lucrative living doing deals with the devil but now, after falling for the tortured captive of a dangerous crime boss, it's not just his job he's risking by getting too close -- it's his life. 

Today when I was at the beach I found a sand dollar. It's sitting on my desk now, reminding me of my guys on their tropical island, of a nightmare masquerading as a paradise, and of how sometimes we put our hope in the craziest things.  

I hope you enjoy it. 

I also hope you like to be surprised!